
Sermon Notes

  • Key Scriptures:

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    James 4:8

    Jeremiah 33:3

    Psalm 107:28-30

    Romans 8:26-27

    Key Points:

    Point # 1 Prayer is about intimacy and relationship with God

    Point # 2 God is always desiring to get something to you through Prayer

    Point # 3 Rhythms of prayer go far beyond our words.


    Definition of Intimate: Closely acquainted; familiar, close. “Intimate friends.”


    “Prayer is not monolog, but dialogue. Gods voice in response to mine is its most essential part”

    ~ Andrew Murray

    “In the stillness we make yet another discovery: the Holy Spirit is the One who really knows how to pray. We discover that prayer is truest when it is passed beyond words into the realm where Holy Spirit groans for us with utterances that are too deep for words”.

    Ruth Haley Barton

    Example of a Breath Prayer:

    Over and over again, breathe in “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,” and breathe out, “have mercy on me.” Each time you say the prayer, try to sink deeper and deeper into an awareness of Jesus’ presence.


    What opportunities exist to broaden/expand your rhythms of prayer?

    Spend Time Breathing and Embracing the Silent Moments in Prayer.

  • Key Points:

    Point # 1 Healthy rhythms of the Word are vital for transformation

    Point # 2 We must actively give space for the Word to do it’s work.

    Point #3 Faith must be acquired by Rhythms of the Word

    Key Scriptures:

    Romans 12:2 (NLT)

    Isaiah 55:8-11 (NIV)

    Hebrews 4:12

    Romans 10:17


    Lectio Divina = The practice or discipline of reflectively and meditatively reading the word for relationship, hearing and transformation.


    “The Word of Scripture should never stop sounding in your ears and working in you all day long, just like the words of someone you love. And just as you do not analyze the words of someone you love, but accept them as they are said to you, accept the Word of Scripture and ponder it in your heart, as Mary did”.

    Dietrich Boenhoffer, Life Together

    Boenhoeffer later continues:

    “Do not ask “How shall I pass this on?” but “What does it say to me?” Then ponder this word long in your heart until it has gone right into and taken possession of you.”

    Final Thought:

    Success in any area requires G.R.I.T. (Grace, Rhythm, Intentionality, Trust)

    Grace = Room for Learning Must be Given

    Rhythm = Consistency Must Be Developed

    Intentionality = A Decision Must be Made

    Trust = Having Faith in His Process


    Romans 12:1-8

    Create a Daily Rhythm of Slowly Reading Scriptures of The Word

    As you read ask yourself two questions:

    What does it say to me about my life?

    What is my response to God based on what I have read and encountered?

  • Rhythm Defined:

    a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound


    Point # 1: Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice allows us to create Rhythms for abundant life

    Point # 2 - Sacrifice is required to establish rhythms

    Point # 3 - We must lean into the journey and create Rhythms for Transformation


    John 3:16

    John 10:10-17

    2 Corinthians 5:16-20 (NLT)

    Luke 14:28

    Romans 12:2


    “There are those who might like to have new life but do not want to give up anything for it. Something is gained in conversion to Christ, yet something is lost as well and the lost can be painful”. (Pastor: The Theology and Practice of

    Ordained Ministry)


    Focus on two areas in your life.

    What are 2 rhythms you would like to develop as it pertains to those areas.

    Write it down and begin to reflect and ask God to help you as you begin to build rhythms for those areas.



  • Barton, Ruth. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2009

  • Bradshaw, P. F. Maryville, TN: OSL Publications, 2008